Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Full Day in Spokane

   Today is a rest day for me.  I am spending it with my family at my mother and father-in-law's house in Spokane.  Tonight I will be taking Aaron to the Amtrack station for his trip back to Seattle. We had a great ride together and I thank him for that.  I would also like to thank all of his bike riding friends--Ryan, Alex, Max, Tony and Barry for seeing me off on my big adventure.  They are all excellent riders and they made me feel very welcome.

Left to right: Ryan, Aaron, Max, Alex, Tony, Greg

1 comment:

  1. G
    Good stuff to say the least. I gave in registered up so now lets get down to the brass tacks. A compilation of wharfable bridges would add just that little extra sauce to this adventure. If nothing more than to perhaps plan a trip in the future! Stay safe and have a good time!
